July & August Updates

While we’ve still been wrestling with cheaters these past couple of months and had to work around one of our developers being in hospital for some time, this hasn’t stopped us from getting some updates out as well as working towards new features soon to be released in the game!


  • A new feature soon to be added to Skill Points
  • Global Broadcasting added into the game
  • Global Death restriction raised to 350

Thank you to all those who provided feedback towards the Global Death game feature. We were saddened to see many players creating fake accounts on the forum in order to vote multiple times, and can confirm these kinds of votes were not considered in the final decision- we would also like to confirm for those who expressed concerns that we were indeed monitoring for this in the background. Likewise, we also want to elaborate that this feature was introduced into the game to help enforce fair gameplay; because of this, the restriction will not be removed entirely but due to the strong polarisation shown in feedback, we have instead compromised on raising this restriction to 350 per 24 hours.

Following on from the Bounty List in general, we would like to re-iterate that accounts created for the sole purpose of being used to the benefit of another account(s) (whether owned by the same individual or not), or abused to the point where it is acting as sole benefit to another account(s) can result in the termination of the abused account and those that were a beneficiary of the account. This applies to accounts being created to solely bounty list as well. In the past we have sent out warnings for minor violations, but we would like to advise that this will be strictly adhered to with permanent suspensions moving forward. A global message from us will be released soon within the game to further clarify this.

A popularly requested feature, the Global Broadcasting, has been added into the game! On the home page, you can now find a “Global” tab where you can send out messages to all players in the game- now that this feature is live in the game, the original adding of [CODE] to comment walls won’t automatically convert into a link for you while in the Global Broadcast itself.

We hope you enjoyed these months’ updates, and as always any questions, problems or feedback can be sent direct to us on our support line (we are open to communication 7 days a week with a response rate of 1-3 business days).